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Other Cool Blogs:

26 May 2014
I've been neglecting my blog again I know.  It's been one of those weeks where I've found myself doing everything other than writing.  Although I have managed to put in some serious work with the guide to Twitter I am writing for Indie Authors.  I figure there's plenty I can pass on to others in a free, downloadable booklet I just have to finish it first.

Other than that I ended up working this weekend when it wasn't in my plans, the money is always useful but working late on Saturday means going to bed in the early hours of Sunday morning which inevitably messes with my body clock.  I'm used to it to a degree but it doesn't help when you do sit down at the PC and you find yourself falling asleep.   I also attended a talent show for my daughter and a tea party at my son's nursery.  Today we packed them off to their grand-parents for the week as it's half term here in the UK.  So I am hoping to get a lot more writing completed this week.

A second audition for the audio version of George and the Dragon has been submitted.  I liked it but, having discussed it with my sister, I think I have decided neither of the two auditions I have received are what I am looking for.   I'm still slightly concerned that maybe I can't afford to be picky but on the other hand I feel if I wait the right audition could be just around the corner.

Finally after a month of waiting George and the Dragon was listed on Kobo this last week.  I've updated the website with the link now.  I have to say I am really pleased with the way the buttons have come out on the website.  Feel free to copy them if you like them they were just something I put together in Pixlr.

I'm also applying a lot more focus to Nicholas North: Schoolboy Detective as I really want a first draft finished by the end of June to give plenty of time for editing and proofing priory to it's scheduled November release date.

That's all from me today.



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