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Other Cool Blogs:

29 May 2014
...Amazon that is.

You have to had it to them they've managed to go a step further and offer even greater integration with Twitter.

Anyone who still thinks you should tweet about your book is, lets be honest, fooling themselves.

This is how my tweets now look that include a link to Amazon.  Note that's not even a direct Amazon link it's a Georiot link that aims to match the person that clicks on the link with their correct Amazon website based on their geographical location. for the US, for the UK etc.

So not only do I get to link to the book, my book blurb gets partially tweetted, an image of the book and several more links to the book as well.

This truly is free integrated advertising for indie authors and you can't really afford not to use it.

I've now changed quite a few of my ghost tweets to include my Amazon Georiot link because it doesn't make sense not to; unless I am promoting the book on another retailers site like iTunes for example.

You may disagree with me. I'd love to here your thoughts either way.



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