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Other Cool Blogs:

27 April 2014
It feels like a life time since George and the Dragon was published.  In reality it's not even been a week yet.

I've learnt a huge amount over the past few months and am in the process of writing it all down.   Maybe one day it'll become a success manual for other authors, who knows.

I'm still looking to create permanent records on line for the book.  I'm a huge believer in spreading yourself across the world wide web as much as possible.

To that end you can now find me on the Authors DB and Bookgoodies.  That's in addition to Smashreads, Amazon Author Central and Goodreads.  It does mean that going forward I will have to make sure I keep all these sites up-to-date.

One thing I have just learned is that you need to set up an Amazon Author Central profile separately for the US and the UK.   Nobody tells you that when you start this process it's the sort of thing you learn along the way.

I'm pleased to report that George and the Dragon is now available on Google Play.  They've also taken it upon themselves to reduce the price.  However, you can't find the book in their search on the website so that's more than a bit frustrating and I've sent them an email expressing my frustration.

One thing I have observed on is the phenomenal number of click-throughs to the iTunes listing of the novel compared to the Kindle listing.  It's hard to see if they've converted to sales but it is interesting all the same.

Tomorrow is Monday so time to think of something cool to write for then :)

Until next time.



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