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Other Cool Blogs:

8 June 2014
With my one week sale over the question becomes what next?

The thing is this is all part of a longer strategy with regards to marketing and sales.  It's about momentum and trying to kick start the proverbial snow ball that leads to a ramp in sales of the book.

As the sale has now ended one thing I've done is reset the price of the book.  You should now be able to pick it up for £1.99 or $2.99.   One thing I didn't realise is that the book is also available on ScribD.

I found it this evening.  They even make it look like a real book.

Which takes me nicely to the next part of my plan: Createspace.

I deliberately decided not to release the book via Createspace when I started out knowing in my heart of hearts that George and the Dragon would more than likely need to be revise more than once before I was happy for it to become a physical produce.

Also Createspace novels can be reasonably expensive.  However, I know there are people out there who want to purchase the physical copy of the book and who am I to say no to that.

To this end I am aiming for a July release and will look to do a book blog tour to coincide with that release.

That way I can generate some more momentum next month,  until then I'll keep plugging away at expanding my social media empire, writing this blog and hopefully doing so more novel writing.



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