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Other Cool Blogs:

28 January 2014
As a writer inspiration comes to me, and I expect any writer, and the most inconvenient of moments.

This weekend, for example, I was in the middle of packing some equipment into my car when a spark rattled around my skull and set the figurative light-bulb flashing.  This was a spark about a book that is not even at the forefront of my thoughts.

It's tentatively titled Sam Dagger: Sky Pirate and is a pre-World War I  Steam punk/Tolkien Fantasy cross-over.

The spark involved the Dwarven Capital which exists underneath South America.  Although not entirely made of Gold it is resplendent through myriads of Golden Statues, Fountain and Monuments.

What about this city made me stop what I was doing, open Scrivener and start taking notes?  It's name I'm not going to reveal more but it did leave me smiling.

In this case I was able to make notes but I wonder how many times I've had such thoughts only to be forgotten before I've been able to jot them down.

Should I always carry a notepad with me? Or even get used to dictating into my phone?  Either option isn't perfect I don't think my fellow commuters would be that impressed with me dictating into my phone on my journey into London.


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