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Other Cool Blogs:

14 October 2014
...or at least it could be.

According to the fantastic Prof. Brian Cox and his esteemed physics and mathematics colleagues there are an infinite number of universes.

Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter write about these infinite universes in their book The Long Earth and it's sequels.

That's an impossible number to fathom, however, it has some interesting ramifications for a fiction author like me.

Spoiler alert......

My debut novel, George and the Dragon, is a work of Historical Fantasy based in England on an Earth much like our own but an Earth where certain things are possible.  The book also dips it's toe into the presence of another realm which is effectively another earth in a parallel universe this earth is very different to our own as becomes clear when you read the book.

Now according to Prof. Cox they both exist, they must do because there are an infinite number of universes.

Let me take that one step further.

Silence Of The Lambs - true story.

Harry Potter, all 7 books - true story.

50 Shades of Grey - true story.

And so it goes on that every work of fiction be it book, film or otherwise are all true stories because in one of the infinite universes the events they portray would have existed.

Even Toy Story is a true story and I swear my toys used to play with each other when I went out.

So there you go.

Food for thought.



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