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Other Cool Blogs:

17 January 2015
...only a little delayed!

Twitter followers: 29,000

Facebook page likes: 501

It's been a pretty good start to 2015 for me, plenty of book sales have come off the back of the start of my big push on twitter.

I've set myself the target of 200,000 followers by the end of 2015. I hit 25,000 just into the new year.

So the plan is to gain 175,000 or 3,365/week.

So far I've managed 4,000 in 3 weeks so I'm nowhere near that target, however, what I'm hoping is that as my following increases the number of people following me without me following them first will snowball and towards the end of the year I'll be managing to gain more than 5,000 followers per week.

On top of this regular readers of this blog may recall that I had submitted George and the Dragon for auditions for a audio version of the book. The first two auditions I had received just didn't fit what I was looking for vocally.  This was months ago and I had pretty much given up on anyone else auditioning for the book.

That was until Thursday. I was discussing the fact I would never record myself for the audio book with my colleague when I noticed I'd received an email with a new audition. I had to wait until I got home to listen and was, truth be told, not expecting much.

On Friday I let 4 of my colleagues listen to the audition and we are all agreed it is fantastic.

I'm hopeful now that an audio version of George and the Dragon will go ahead and it will get released not that much before I'm ready to publish the sequel.

So as you can see a great start for 2015 and I'm hopeful that things progress in the same direction.



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